Eric Phillips

Portobello Road, a Bohemian Rhapsody, and Heathers the musical making kids lose their lunch.

Our last couple days in London were filled with more magic. We found some real gems at the Portabello Road market, including every band T sixteen-year-old Eric could want. It was kind of funny walking around Notting Hill with everyone dressed like they’re in the movie Notting Hill — we’re talking Bakers hats Bucket hats galore, …

Portobello Road, a Bohemian Rhapsody, and Heathers the musical making kids lose their lunch. Read More »

London: Day 2

Today we were grateful it was cold and rainy on Day 1 because it made us appreciate that it was cold and almost sunny and almost not rainy on Day 2. Almost. But we were ready, and the city has made me appreciate more how good it can feel to be in cold weather and …

London: Day 2 Read More »

London. Finally, Gov!

I remember Chris always told me that London would inspire me so much it would change my life. Something he promised to every one of his students because we were theater majors and as far as I saw, that promise was kept. I think I could really use that inspiration and motivation in my career …

London. Finally, Gov! Read More »